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Download Threads Apk For Android

Get Latest Version of threads by Instagram

Download Threads Apk file or you can download from Google Play Store Here we can discuss all about new app Threads by Instagram meta


Size: 74MB

Genre: Social App

Requirements: Android 5.0 & up

Price: Free

What is Threads by Instagram ?

Threads app is a new application launched by Instagram. It is based on textual posts. You can post text on this app and share more moments and ideas with your friends. It is a conversation app by meta connected with Instagram.

Threads mod apk is a text based application similar to twitter where you can share your opinions and connect with other members focusing on more freedom of speech. People share their opinion on threads trending topics with millions of members.

In threads mod apk you can follow famous personalities, other creators, friends and family members to make a reliable following of your own choice. Share your ideas, thoughts and daily discussions on trending topics all over the world.

It is also similar to the twitter app. If you are already a twitter user or ever use twitter then you can easily understand what a threads app. You can share text, photos, and videos, news and memes on it.

Application Information

App Name Threads, an Instagram app
Size74 MB
Latest Update 1 Day Ago
Category Social App
Operating System Android

Main Features

User friendly interface

threads features

Threads app allows you to make text base posts with up to 500 characters limit, also share images and videos with 5 min length. It has the same UI like twitter and other similar social applications with option of comments, share, report. It is integrated with Instagram.

Controlled Conversation

Threads Feature

On Instagram, you hold the power to customize your content’s visibility, manage your audience, and regulate interactions. By blocking unwanted accounts, you can ensure a safe and pleasant digital space. Rest assured, Instagram diligently enforces the Community Guidelines for everyone to engage with confidence.

Blue tick

Blue tick

Twitter is a very popular social app and they make it costly to buy blue tick verification. You have to pay monthly for your verification but in threads you don’t need to pay anything for verification and blue tick.

Auto verification

Auto verification

If you are using Instagram already and you have a verified account then no need to verify your threads accounts separately just join it will automatically verify because it is integrated with Instagram.

Permanent Account

threads app is totally attached with Instagram so you need an Instagram account first and then sign up on threads but if you want to delete your threads account, it will not allow you to delete only thread account you have to remove your Instagram account as well. But you can deactivate your account.



You won’t need anymore to track or stalk any profile on WhatsApp as the WhatsApp Pro’s WhatsApp logs would deliver you complete details, like one of your contacts with (XXXX) last four numbers changed their username/picture/bio.

Extra features of Threads by Instagram

  • You can create a post of 500 characters.
  • You can post images, text and videos.
  • You can give likes, comments on any post.
  • Upload up to 5 min video.
  • You can see and read unlimited posts.
  • Free of cost.
  • Share any post to other platforms.
  • Add your website link to your profile.
  • Add a profile picture. (can not viewed in large )
  • Privacy focus app, no DM.
  • Many other options are in settings you can use according to your need or choice.

Difference between Threads and Twitter

threads pure


  • Threads app on Instagram are based on textual posts and visual content, such as photos and videos.
  • Instagram threads allow users to share multiple photos or videos in a single post, creating a slideshow.
  • Threads on Instagram are visible to your followers on your main profile and can also appear in their feeds.
  • Users can like and comment on individual posts within a thread, encouraging engagement with specific parts of the content.
  • Threads app on Instagram are a feature within the main Instagram app that allows users to create and share photo and video content with specific groups of close friends.
Threads pure


  • Twitter allows users to extend their thoughts or ideas with twits, character limit of a single tweet (280 characters).
  • Twitter tweets are public and accessible to all users, allowing for widespread visibility and engagement with a broader audience.
  • They are often used for storytelling, sharing opinions, or presenting complex topics that require multiple tweets to fully convey the message.
  • Twitter threads allow discussions from a diverse range of users, which can lead to more significant engagement and a broader reach.

How to join threads Mod Apk?

If you are searching to join this platform? Just follow some simple steps to sign up for your account. you can download it for PC and also download for iOS ,Before any step you need an Instagram account, if you do not have an Instagram account please sign up to Instagram account first.

  • Download the threads mod apk from download button or google play store
  • Install the download file with internet connection.
  • Install the downloaded threads mod apk file.
  • Sign up with your instagram profile.
  • Confirm your account and add your details.
  • Join threads and start posting.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQ)

No, Threads content is exclusively shared with the select group of friends added to the Close Friends list.

Threads is a standalone Instagram app designed for private, intimate sharing with close friends.

No, Threads is designed for sharing photos and videos with your close friends.

Yes, you can create and participate in group chats with your close friends.

Automatically updates your status that is based on your location or activities, giving your friends an idea of what you’re up to.

Yes, Threads is a free app available for download and use on your mobile device.


Introducing Threads by Instagram, a revolutionary app that’s changing the game in the social media landscape. This unique platform is all about forging genuine connections with your closest friends in a more personal and intimate manner. Unlike the regular Instagram feed, Threads mod apk provides a safe space for sharing content that you might not want to share with the entire world. With the “Auto Status” feature, your friends can stay up-to-date with your activities in real-time, making it feel like you’re always connected. Worried about privacy? No problem! Threads lets you control who can view your content and engage with you. The best part is that it seamlessly integrates with Instagram and is available on various platforms, making it accessible to a wide audience.